Sha Wellness Clinic 5*


Medicine aimed at combating aging.
The main purpose of this department is to slow down the aging process and reactivate the wellness potential of each person. Thus, it is possible not only to prevent and overcome premature aging due to the diagnosis of the root causes, but also to restore various processes in the body (individual for each), which allows the patient to feel healthy and full of vitality, as well as to avoid many problems associated with the aging process.

Main goals:

  • Diagnosis and reduction of the activity of the affected organs and their subsequent treatment and recovery
  • Prevention and monitoring of the course of a number of diseases
  • Determination of stress levels and their removal
  • Determination of the amount of toxins in the body and their elimination
  • Elimination of metals from the body
  • Prevention and treatment of diseases of the skeleton and musculature by weaning from harmful poses (RPG) 

Individual genetic examination that helps:

restore the body's work at the cellular level and remove the remnants of chemicals that are the main cause of aging and the occurrence of diseases associated with an unfavorable environment, such as most forms of cancer;

  • to improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis and thrombosis;
  • to adjust the work of metabolism and prevent the occurrence of diabetes mellitus;
  • maintain control over maintaining an ideal weight and physical activity;
  • increase brain activity;
  • to establish the metabolism of bone tissue, to carry out the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis;
  • improve skin condition (dermagenetics);
  • fight fatigue;
  • increase the body's ability to rejuvenate through proper nutrition (nutrigenetics);
  • to improve the general condition of the body through special therapy using bioidentical hormones (with the same molecular structure as the hormones produced by our body).

Chelation procedure

Heavy metal chelation is a non-invasive system for removing heavy metals from the body. This process helps to remove heavy metals that have accumulated inside our body in quantities that cause poisoning. Thus, the removal of heavy metals from the body is the most optimal therapeutic procedure that allows for the proper functioning of all organs and systems.
Metals can enter our body in three ways: through food (the food we consume), through external products (creams and body products that we use) or through the respiratory tract (the air we breathe contains various metals). As a rule, our body is able to independently remove toxins through organs such as the liver, but in some cases - due to a genetic predisposition or for some other reason - it does not cope with this task, as a result of which heavy metals accumulate and become toxic, causing headaches, fatigue, migraines, etc. More In addition, the results of a number of medical studies confirm that some diseases are associated with an excess of toxic elements in our body: For example, mercury can cause autism, lead can cause anemia, and aluminum can cause chronic fatigue syndrome. The removal of heavy metals from the body is the most optimal therapeutic procedure in order to achieve the proper functioning of all organs and systems.
The SHA Wellness Clinic offers its guests to undergo a complete examination, which allows them to determine the amount of nutritious and toxic metals contained in the body by analyzing the hair. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the crucial role of mineral elements in maintaining health. Some trace elements contained in our body in small amounts perform key functions in the metabolic process, providing enzyme reactions and being components of various microstructures, while others can cause poisoning with increasing concentration.The analysis of the minerals contained in the hair reflects the level of their concentration in our body. It is important to note that its result does not simply depend on the patient's condition at a given time, as is the case with blood or urine tests, but shows the total amount of minerals accumulated over the past months, making the data obtained much more revealing.
In addition to chelation procedures, SHA clinic guests can take a special MELISA test (lymphocyte memory immunostimulation analysis) to diagnose allergic reactions to metals thanks to an existing agreement with the only Spanish laboratory licensed to conduct it.

MELISA Test:It is used to determine the degree of a patient's allergy to various metals. Constant contact with metals can cause people with a genetic predisposition to allergies to develop and exacerbate various autoimmune processes and diseases such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, etc.The result of the analysis becomes known after about 10 days and, if it shows an excessive concentration of metals such as aluminum, mercury or lead, the patient is invited to undergo a chelation procedure using a natural food additive based on montmorillonite clay with calcium, containing completely natural micro- and macro-oligoelements that contribute to the elimination of heavy metals, acids and other waste products that are harmful to health.
This natural chelator, combined with the macrobiotic diet offered by the SHA Clinic, is the most effective way to noninvasively remove heavy metals. . In addition, after the chelation procedure is completed, our team of professionals provides guests with the necessary recommendations for compliance outside the SHA clinic, although ideally after a certain period of time they should return for a second analysis.

Telomere length analysis

Telomere length Analysis Why are we getting older? There is a real relationship between the aging process and telomeres. The SHA Wellness Clinic offers a treatment program that is a safe and clinically proven method that reduces biological age compared to chronological age.
People tend to age. The process called chronological age never stops and corresponds to the amount of time that has passed since our birth. However, there is also another type of aging that reflects the degree of deterioration of our body, known as biological age. This age may vary depending on lifestyle, diet, stress levels, etc. Therefore, our biological age may have absolutely nothing to do with chronological age. It is this difference that is decisive in what we used to call aging, and can affect the body both completely and partially.

What is a telomere?

One of the newest tests based on the most modern innovative technologies aimed at determining the degree of aging of the body is the analysis of telomere length. What is a telomere? Telomerases are located at the ends of chromosomes and protect them from damage; in addition, telomerases are also biomarkers that help determine the degree of aging of the body and life expectancy.
Moreover, the analysis of telomere length gives us the opportunity to obtain information about the biological degeneration of the body (cardiovascular diseases, obesity and damage to cognitive function), allowing us to make the necessary changes in our lifestyle to prevent or minimize the premature occurrence of a number of age-related diseases and slow down the aging process.Factors that shorten our estimated life expectancy and/or its quality affect us both from the outside (nutrition, infections, carcinogens and oxidants) and from the inside (inflammatory substances, autoimmune disorders and tumor formation processes). The SHA method allows you to reduce or completely eliminate their harmful effects.
Gloria Sabater, Doctor of Pharmacy at the SHA Wellness Clinic, notes that ""unlike other anti-aging programs, the SHA program uses the latest scientific achievements for an individual approach to predictive preventive medicine based on millennial Oriental treatment methods, combined with progressive Oriental scientific research and the latest discoveries in the field of genetics and control with aging.
The SHA Clinic is one of the few medical centers in the world with the capabilities to analyze the length of the telomere used to diagnose biological age. Taking into account the other parameters and the results of the tests performed on our patients, it allows us to objectively determine the most appropriate treatment strategy in each individual case and introduce the necessary adjustments to the lifestyle and nutrition system to improve the health of patients and reduce the percentage of short telomeres, thus increasing life expectancy.

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