Lausanne Palace & Spa 5*


Restaurants and bars

Restaurant «La Table d’Edgard»
With two terraces overlooking Lake Geneva and the Alps, the restaurant «La Table d’Edgard», marked with 4 crossed spoons and forks In the Michelin guide for its comfort, 1 snowflake for its quality and one star for culinary excellence, it offers you dishes of sunny gastronomy.Completely renovated, with a strict and elegant interior made of leather, wood and fabric, creating a unique atmosphere of its kind, this restaurant invites you to travel to the Southern countries with the help of the skillful hands of chef Edgar Beauvier. A great lover of southern flavor, this famous Valesan chef prepares light food with a delicate taste. This gastronomic restaurant corresponds to the image of the hotel itself &Lausanne Palace & Spa»: fashionable, elegant, refined and luxurious. Thanks to the windows, you can enter the newly renovated kitchen and watch the team busy at the stoves for your ultimate pleasure! The restaurant "La Table d"Edgard" is one of the few restaurants that has an exceptional panoramic view!

Restaurant «Brasserie du Grand Chêne»
Conceived in a typical Parisian style, brasserie du «Grand Chêpe»Lausanne Palace & Spa&It has preserved and recreated the former atmosphere of the Paris brasseries.Benches covered with green leather, polished parquet, bronze decorations and a staircase made of solid wood give the brasserie an atmosphere that even the most prominent celebrities will appreciate.

Restaurant «Côté Jardin»
Bright and green terrace: the restaurant «Côté Jardin» smells of lavender in sunny shades.The Mediterranean restaurant, which was awarded 14 points in the Gault Millau guide, has a panoramic terrace overlooking Lake Geneva and the Alps, where the freshness of Lausanne merges with the heat emanating from typical southern cuisine.  

Restaurant «Palace Sushi Zen»
The restaurant serves traditional Japanese cuisine.Three sushi masters have been invited directly from Japan to join the staff of the Lausanne Palace Hotel. You can take the opportunity to taste the dishes of these masters, who have invested all their skills and excellent taste in cooking dishes of unprecedented quality.

Wine cellar
The wine cellar of the Lausanne Palace & Spa Hotel contains treasures of the best wine years: about 800 different wines are on display in the alleys of the cellar!Of course, Swiss wines are presented in a large assortment in this wine cellar as an exclusive reserve with an emphasis on the regions of French Switzerland: Lavaux, Valais and Geneva.As for Burgundy and Bordeaux wines, they are supplied to us by the most prestigious winemakers, being a guarantee of impeccable quality, and occupy a significant place in the wine cellar.Not forgetting the best wine years of other countries of the world, the wine cellar of the Lausanne Palace & Spa Hotel offers you a wide selection of wines from New Zealand, South Africa, California and Chile.

«LP’s Bar»
The LP’s Bar» of the Lausanne Palace & Spa» has now become «a mandatory meeting place»! Decorated in a modern and, at the same time, colonial style, this bar brings a fresh breath of air to Lausanne and presents the city with its spirit of modernity and elegance.On its panoramic terrace overlooking Lake Geneva, you can enjoy your chosen cocktails in complete tranquility, and in the evening enjoy modern music filling the bar.LP's Bar is the perfect place for both coffee breaks and multicultural holiday parties.

«Habana Vag»
At «Habana Vag» passionate lovers of good tobacco and high-quality cigars will appreciate elite spirits, as well as a wide selection of cigars offered on the menu.It should be noted that the Habana Vag is the only place in the Lausanne Palace Hotel that welcomes Havana cigar smokers in its smoking room, where the smell of leather furniture mixes with the smell of tobacco.

«BAR 1915»
The quality of service and warm hospitality are the hallmarks of this place where you can relax and unwind.Coffee and cakes will enchant guests who decide to take a break during the day.

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